Thursday, June 2, 2011

Make what you can

I am a beginner crocheter, and nowadays, that basic skill seems to be useful for our tiny new apartment.

Case in point #1:
I bought 2 pieces of cloth from an interior shop as 'emergency curtain', although they are actually a bit too short.  I just hated the feeling of us so exposed with the big glass windows.  We fixed them on the curtain line with safety pins, LOL.  When we started staying overnight there, I bought two more pieces of similar cloth, and decided to turn them into 'proper' curtain.  
As I was dreading the possibility of cutting and finishing tiny strips of cloth to 'hang' the curtain, I was thinking to use felt strips or ribbon instead.  But wait.... I can theoretically crochet those strips, right?  Yay!!  I ended up crocheting them, and did not have to worry about fraying.
The button and crocheted piece

The finished curtain, before hanging


Case in point # 2:
We have a tiny terrace, and it turned out that there is a terrace lamp (look, I've been here a week, okay...give me a break ;p ).  Mr. B said that he didn't like the lamp because the light is too harsh (well, it IS a bit too strong for the size of the terrace, I have to agree), so he has an oil lamp to use outside.

My issue was that I had a 'taste' of that lamp, or rather the oil, when we made our move.  The oil spilled and it stinks like hell.  So I would like to avoid using it at (almost) all cost.

I crocheted a simple net to wrap the light cover, and hoped that it would be good enough to soften the light.  It did help.  Yay!
Before: light off

Before:  light on

After:  light off

After: light on... It works!!!

Frankfurt, June 1, 2011.

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